Services & Process

What we do & How We Do It

We provide a wide range of creative skills to help you with your marketing, graphic design, and creative needs to help your mission stand out. Learn how we deliver projects from discovery to launch.

Our SErvices

Our Students Provide a Full Suite of Creative Services to Help Your Mission Stand Out


Before jumping into the design process, it’s important that we get to know each other first, and not just on a surface level.

By understanding your goals, demographic, and competitors in the field, we'll put together personalized action plan.


A nice logo ≠ good branding. Every successful business has a brand that unites their values through a cohesive visual identity.

Successful branding comes with consistency that your audience can easily relate to. All of the elements from your identity will look consistent and be part of your whole story.


Motion can help spark life into your designs. We can help add a level of expression that captivates your audience.

Infusing elements of time, sound, and space into your graphics will elevate your brand to new mediums, elevating creativity in a big way.


The average time a user spends on a website is 15 seconds. The user needs to be able to access the information they’re seeking.

Together, we can build a custom website that your customers can easily access and that aligns with your brand’s identity.


Social media is a powerful tool that can build relationships with your audience. By understanding trends, your demographic, and goals, we can generate content that will help your brand stay relevant.

It’s important to share engaging content that not only tells your story, but also helps your audience connect with you.


On average, it takes 7 marketing touchpoints to create an impression. Taking digital deliverables into the physical world is key for expanding your brand and making your presence bigger.

From brochures and business cards, to flyer and banner designs—we can assist with every step of the print design process.

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Our Process

Our Step-by Step Process Ensures the Most Thoughtful and Rewarding Experience

Intersect serves clients who:

Have Ongoing Design Needs, but Don’t Need a Full-Time Design Team.

Your design needs may be seasonal, or sporadic which leaves you scrambling for an available designer, and spending too much time caught in the loop of the “getting to know you” phase of building a working relationship with new designers.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a creative team that you can always count on to step in, and pick up where you left off?

Need a Design Intern, but Don’t Have a Senior Designer to Mentor Them.

A good internship provides students with a senior mentor, who can impart wisdom while the intern adds value to the business. INTERSECT offers intern and junior level design services with the guidance and oversight of a senior design mentor.

While you benefit from their work, they benefit from our guidance.

Understand the Value of Design, and Not Just Want to "Look Cool".

The GMD program at COC is research-based, and focused on informed decision making—not just “looking cool.” With Intersect you will see the same principled problem-solving process applied to your project.

Want to be collaborative, Instead of Being Left on the Sidelines

Intersect clients are people who like to be involved in the creative process, they are excited to learn, become informed, and will feel confident when making decisions about the visual treatment of their ideas.


Meet Our Team

Intersect|GMD is a remote collaboration of current students and recent graduates of the Graphics & Multimedia Design (GMD) Department at College of the Canyons.

Learn more about the team and our mission.

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